I'm a morning person; always have been. It's that time when all is quiet and you have just those few moments to your self, or when school is in session, a few moments of one on one with a child. The Talented One has to be at school by 7:00 am. I usually get up around 6 am, have my prayer time and head downstairs. Sometimes he'll want breakfast, perhaps an omelet, other times he wants nothing. We don't have a grand quality time, but we usually do spend a few moments talking before he heads off. I'll do some dishes or make a pot of coffee or tea, depending on my mood for the day. Before we leave to take him to school, I wake up B-Boo so that she can get ready. Her school starts at 8:00 am.
Once I drop off the Talented One, I go back home and make a bagel or toast for B-Boo. She loves a cup of hot chocolate each morning. Now, this is not the type that you add a packet of chocolate to hot water. No! She likes a real cup of chocolate. The kind that is made with real milk and Ghirardelli's chocolate. You have to make sure the milk is hot enough and then add a few heaping teaspoons of chocolate. It's not complete until the top is covered with whipped cream. (This stuff also make the most amazing chocolate frosting!)
While looking on their website this morning I came across more cocoa products! I cannot wait to try their white mocha! It looks delicious! I could probably write a whole blog (or two or three) just on chocolate, but this is not one of them. It's about my mornings with B-Boo!
By the time I finish making breakfast and hot cocoa, B-Boo makes her way downstairs. She'll have a seat next to me and we'll start our daily reading. We've been working our way through the Bible. We started Exodus today. (Sometimes we don't get to read because we're studying for a test.) I've discovered we like to read the New Living Translation for our morning reading because it is a little more story-like. My favorite version is NKJV. Anyway, after reading about Moses this morning, we had a little extra time for fun. Never one to miss a moment like this, B-Boo suggested that we watch a youtube of Veggie Tales as she had a song stuck in her head.
We started off with God is Bigger than the Boogie Man and then moved to the Cheeseburger song and finally ended with I Love My Lips . Yes, she's 14! If you've never watched a Veggie Tale video, I highly recommend it. It's not something you outgrow and your children will love them! We've been watching Veggie Tales forever it seems. We used to love singing them when we'd head out on a road trip…or when we just wanted to be silly.
She's at school now and the other two are still sleeping. I think I'll let them sleep a little longer before beginning our homeschool day, and I'll go watch another Veggie Tale!
That sounds like a perfect morning.