The Drama Queen likes to have the biggest or the best that there is to offer. If she is asked to share something, she will look it over with a keen eye and then demand to have the best one. I realize this is a natural thing for children (as well as some adults). She loves to share and to serve others, it's one of the things I love about her most! (That and her great enthusiasm for life!)
Not long ago, we had a little discussion about serving and sharing with others. I explained to her that when we are sharing something with someone else, it's nice to make sure that they have the best cookie or the bigger cup of pudding. I explained to her that Jesus tells us to treat others the way that you want to be treated. I got a hug and we moved on.
This morning we were making breakfast together. She was making toast for us. She noticed that some of the slices were smaller than the others. She took out a smaller slice from the front of the loaf and then went to the middle of the loaf and took out a larger slice. She showed it to me and said,
"I'm giving the greater one to you."
She took the smaller slice and I got another hug. It makes a mama feel good to know that not only do they listen with the ears, but hear with the heart.
She is such a blessing!