I really am! Easter is just a few short weeks away, and that means it's time for our annual Easter Potluck Party! My hubby will slow cook brisket all night long in preparation for our feast. I'll clean like a mad woman in the days ahead. The kids have already started talking about it.
"Mom, we're having our Easter Party this year, right?"
(Last year I had a hysterectomy the week before Easter, so my concerned hubby canceled our party. It was the right thing to do, but I sure missed it!)
Yes, we're having our Easter party! I spent the better part of today making the invitations. Did I mention how excited I am? I feel like a little kid right before opening a great big gift!
Imagine a home filled to the brim with all of your friends and family and their children, all of them bringing their favorite dishes to celebrate with you after a morning at church. The air is filled with the aroma of the most delicious brisket, mixed with the scents of home baked goods. The backyard is full of lawn chairs and blankets, people everywhere laughing and enjoying themselves. The children are chasing each other around, giggling as they climb the various trees.
Once the main part of the feast is over, the children are gathered into the living room to listen to a story about our Savior or make crafts for fun. While they're inside, the adults are outside hiding dozens and dozens of Easter treats wherever they can find room. The bravest adults will venture into the trees to hide the eggs from the older kids, while others might just drop them on the ground for the youngest one. Others will walk around with their cameras, snapping shots of whatever catches their eye.
And then it's time. The children gather at the back door with their various bags and baskets, waiting to be let loose while the adults go over the rules. Little people, easy eggs; big kids, harder eggs. Don't be greedy, no more than a dozen please. And then they're off!
Honestly, you can't tell who is having more fun, the adults or the children! When the next to last egg is finally found (there's always the egg that stays in hiding), the real relaxing begins as we stuff ourselves with the various desserts of the day and talk happily amongst each other.
Finally, families will head home, exhausted, full and content.
And me? I'll be thrilled to have spent such a special day with so many special people.
Yes I can’t wait myself,plus we will have sonia and family here! love ya
I know! It’ll be so much fun!
We usually have a family reunion, but this year we haven’t heard a thing about it. Either they aren’t having it or we weren’t invited! LOL That is okay…after having to be at the church at 6am, serve breakfast to 100 people, attend church service, and then attending Sunday school, I won’t feel much like partying anyway.