And speaking of drama queens! The Drama Queen just came upstairs bawling. Once I got her to a calm cry and I could understand what she was saying, I asked her what was wrong.
Apparently she'd logged onto her Webkinz and all of her money was gone! She explained to me that she'd accidentally given her friend the password to her Webkinz account and now all the money was gone. Number one, there's a great lesson here; don't give out your password to anyone. Number two, it's not real money, so enough with the drama.
So anyway, she continues with the drama, telling me that she's going to change the password so her friend can't get into her account anymore. Then she tells me that she sold back everything that her friend had bought and already had her money back.
I'm trying to figure out why she's upstairs carrying on with me if everything has already been taken care of. So I ask her why was she still crying to me upstairs. Her reply,
"Because Daddy said I had to tell you about it!"
Drama…this house has way too much of it!
it’s ok bella I too had to learn this lesson. love ya
Awwww…poor thing…what a hard lesson.