Or not. Feeling like a nut by the end of it though. Whoo!
Hubby and I spend last weekend in Arizona with the youth at a Dare2Share conference. I was exhausted by late Sunday night and wanted nothing more than to just have a relaxing week catching up. Apparently the higher's that be had other plans for my week!
Monday: The Smart One wasn't feeling well. I knew this since mother-in-law had called on Sunday to let us know he wasn't feeling himself. By Monday it was starting to hit. I spent most of the day trying to catch up on laundry and comfort him as much as possible. He doesn't do illness well, so getting him comfortable is no small feat! No karate for him tonight!
Tuesday: After being up some through the night, I was pretty tired by Tuesday. The Smart One was really sick by now and his fever just kept going up no matter what I did. I was alternating Tylenol and Motrin and it still didn't help. by 11:30 am, he was crying that he was hurting so I figured I'd better call the doctor. By the time we got to the doctor, his fever was 104.6 and rising. Doc said his throat was raw and on fire and took a culture for strep. He's been our doctor forever and is normally a pretty laid back doctor, but he firmly told me to go home and start baths for the Smart One. 20 minutes in tepid water, then out for an hour and repeat. He said if he got worse or the fever didn't go down he'd have to admit him to the hospital. When we got home, I drew up a bath for him to get in. We pulled the shower curtain shut so I could stay in there with him because he didn't want to be left alone. For the next 20 minutes, I had to listen to him scream that he was freezing, he felt like he was going to die and every minute he'd ask me how many more minutes.
This has to be one of the worst moments as a mom. There is nothing that makes a mom feel worse than having to torture her child on purpose!
This went on for hours, but we finally got the fever down to 102 by 8:30 that night. It was indeed the toughest day of the week! We obviously ended up missing swim lessons!
Wednesday: Wednesday was just more of the same. Fever hung around the 101-102 range all day. He was just miserable and hasn't been out of bed the whole week except to go to the doctor on Tuesday. I was starting to get a little stir crazy after being stuck in the house for three days, but motherhood called first! No Karate again tonight. Hubby was good enough to go to the store for me to purchase things I need for Thursdays' Steven's Soup.
Thursday: Can you believe the man was still running a fever, and now the Drama Queen was sick, too! This meant I wasn't going to be able to deliver the soup as planned. In addition, I was out of children's Tylenol and Motrin. I called a friend down the street who brought me enough to get me through the morning. Then I called my friend and asked her to come pick up the soup instead of me delivering it. That was totally a God thing, because she ended up bringing me some magazines, 7-Up, more meds…and we got to talk about the new bible study that we're starting next week and she's going to join us. I was thrilled! The rest of the day was spent with the kids on the couch dozing off and on while I dusted, vacuumed and stayed on top of laundry. Obviously, swim lessons were canceled again.
Friday: The Drama Queen seemed to be a little better. She was running around all over the place. I could not settle her down for anything even though she had the cough and a slight fever. The Smart One was still not well enough to get off the couch and his cough was much worse. Doc had called and said it was NOT strep and that it just needed to run it's course. I managed to get the upstairs vacuumed, the kitchen and dining room swept and mopped, as well as clean the bathrooms. I guess being stuck at home does have some advantages. Hubby had to go out and get some more cough syrup. Again, no karate tonight.
Saturday: Drama Queen woke up SICK! 102 fever and all the drama she could bring up with it! In addition, the Smart One was still running a low grade temp! I pretty much resigned to myself that I was never leaving the house again. Hubby had soccer stuff and church stuff to do, so that meant I was stuck at home again. I did get the house windexed in between shuffling back and forth with the kids. Hubby finally got home around 3:30 and I was out of there!
I got to have a short visit with a friend, get the oil changed in the van and then share an appetizer with my oldest son while I waited for B-Boo to finish bowling with her friends. By the time we were done, I was so exhausted, I couldn't wait to get home to my bed! OF course, the whole time I was gone, my phone kept ringing…the two little ones were begging me to come home.
And now we're up to speed. It's Sunday and I think they're on the road to recovery. I stayed home with them this morning while the older ones went to church. The Smart One slept until noon! We managed to make a great lunch and they're actually up now.
I'm headed off to church for children's choir (without my two) and youth….but before I go, I need to stop at CVS. Apparently the Talented One, 15, is now coming down with it. What's a mom to do?!
I’m so glad you are all feeling better now.