Not a whole lot of laughing this week with sick kids, but the Drama Queen came up with a funny one today. We were sitting around the table at lunch talking about how Bible study went this morning. I had stayed home with the two sick ones while the older children went to church with dad. I didn't get to teach the class this morning that I was REALLY looking forward to teaching. It was such a great study! Anyway, after discussing Mother Theresa, using your home as a homeless shelter and more, the drama queen pipes up.
"Mom, it's kinda nice that you get to be with them (meaning the two teenagers) at church and at home. This means that you can correct them at home and at church!"
Guess it was kind of a "you had to be there moment," but for those of us sitting around the table we got quite the laugh out of it!
On a side; I'm so blessed with teenagers who actually want me to be a part of their youth and enjoy my teaching rather than trying to run away from me!
ROFLOL…well, she was correct! I’m blessed with children that have enjoyed me being a part of their youth group. I’m so thankful.