Laundry is not my favorite chore to do. I'd rather paint a house, or a room, or a door…but I do laundry willingly, because, well, because I need clean clothes! Laundry is my house has always been a lot. With seven people in one house, you can imagine how much laundry we have! My oldest started doing his own laundry when he was about 13 because he found out he'd get what he wanted quicker if he did it!
I've grown since then. I have a system now that helps. It's those basket sorters that hang on a rack! I love those things! I have two of them. I have one in my bathroom because there is so much traffic in there. We only have two full bathrooms, so hubby and I share ours. We have this one:
I then have another one downstairs by the washer and dryer. It's like this:
Now my kids can sort clothes ahead of time! We have a white basket, a light basket and a dark basket. When the baskets are about halfway (or a little more full) we combine them and wash. When I had my hysterectomy last year, it was a huge help for the kids to automatically know how to sort laundry. I taught them how to use the washing machine before the surgery and whalla! Kids can do laundry.
I do the majority of the washing, but when it comes to folding, I like them to help. There's nothing like having a pile of laundry and pitching it in the middle of the floor for a family folding session. Why? Because that is when the fun starts. The other day we played the "Remember Game"….remember when *** ran into the glass door? Remember when *** beat up *** because *** wouldn't stop picking on her? Remember when mom fell down the driveway? Remember when? We just laughed and laughed and before we knew it we were done folding clothes…but lingered anyway because we just wanted to remember.
And that is why Laundry can be fun, too!
PS. B-Boo just remembered when she put the phone in the wash. It doesn't work anymore. 🙂
It sounds like it was good “clean” fun! LOL We watch a favorite television show while we fold. I use one of those sorters also…it’s a big help! And our boys have been doing laundry since they were each 7. If they can run a computer, VCR, DVD, MP3 player, video game system, etc., they can run a washing machine and dryer. LOL