We have a bunny named Oreo. We like to let her loose in our backyard cause she so loves it.
We have a puppy named Roxy. We like to let her loose in our backyard cause she so loves it.
We do not let Oreo and Roxy loose together.
This is Oreo when she was just a baby. She's all grown up now.
This is Roxy. She's still a puppy. She's mostly B-Boo's dog.
Today, Oreo was loose in the backyard. B-Boo came home and went outside. She screamed. We came a runnin'!
Oreo was running. Roxy was chasing Oreo. B-Boo was chasing Roxy. Wish I had a camera for that one!
Incidentally, Oreo won!
I’m so glad Oreo won! But I bet that was quite a sight! LOL