In our previous home, I had a large bathtub (not a jacuzzi, just a rounded tub) that I used to love taking baths in. I'd head into the bathroom complete with bubble bath, candles and a good book. There's just nothing like a good bubble bath to end a long, drawn out day!
When B-Boo was little, she'd toddle into the bathroom and beg to join in. I knew if I wanted a non-toddler bath, I'd better wait until she was in bed for the night! However, sometimes I'd start the bath and then smile to myself as I waited for those small footsteps to come running. Then I'd hear her sweet little voice ask,
"Mommy, can I take a bath with the fire, too?"
We'd spend the next hour playing with bubbles and giggling in the soft glow of the candles as we grew beards and funny hair.
She's grown quite a bit since then and is way too old to take a bath with her mom, but she'll smile as if she knows a secret when I ask her if she wants a fire with her bath. Then she'll settle in for a bit with a good book.
That is so sweet. Now you’ve made me want fire with my bath. LOL