It's been a crazy week, that's for sure! I'd say it really started to take a turn by Thursday morning. Thursday started off with B-Boo's school being in complete lock down. There were police cars and FBI everywhere. The nice FBI man with the sharpshooter explained to me that I shouldn't worry, the students were safe, they were just being cautious because the man was in the neighborhood. Ok, well that made me feel much safer, especially given the fact that I live in the neighborhood! That prompted an immediate phone call to my husband to lock the doors as there was a gunman on the loose in our neighborhood. I then quickly drove home with the youngest in the van with me. We made it safely home, ran inside and turned on the news. NOTHING.
By this time, B-Boo was texting me to let me know that a teacher had been shot in the hand and that were in lock down and it wasn't a drill. (I think I knew that from the amount of police outside the school). She stayed in touch while we got nothing on the news. Finally, she said that they were out of lock down and allowed to go to their classes. And the culprit? Well, apparently it was an older man shooting pigeons in his yard with a pellet gun! A neighbor had called 911 to report someone shooting and it went downhill from there! There wasn't a teacher shot, but she had hurt her hand and needed stitches from an unrelated incident.
Shortly after we found out B-Boo was safe, I received a phone call from the vet. Joey, our little pup that has been losing his hair was determined to have ringworm. He has no lesions, but the culture came back positive. The vet determined it is a mild case, but we still have to bathe him in special shampoo and disinfect everything. Oh hurray. So, off to the vet first thing on Friday morning we were to go.
Meanwhile, that evening B-Boo had an hair appointment with the fabulous cut and color man for her birthday gift. By the time we got home, I was pooped and headed straight to bed…well, after helping B-Boo finish her homework anyway.
Friday was B-Boo's 14th Birthday! I can't believe she's 14! I remember when she was born. Boy, these kids grow up so fast, don't they? Anyway, after taking her to school, I got the kids ready for their day…by helping me take the dogs to the vet. Dr. Ceballos gave Joey a good lookover, gave them their shots, handed us the shampoo and away we went. After I dropped the kids off I went to get the food for the slumber party that night…10 teenage girls..woo hoo!
I made it back from everything just in time to grab a quick bite and head out to pick up B-Boo! We had planned a picture scavenger hunt at the mall for a couple of hours after school. That's when we discovered B-Boo's camera was broken! Oh man! We headed out early to grab some of her friends, then ran by Costco to see if we could replace the camera. No such luck, but hey, we tried. Luckily, one of her friends had grabbed their camera, so we were able to do the scavenger hunt.
We headed home to some amazing pasta and Alfredo sauce that dear hubby had made, as well as lasagna, Caesar salad, and a chocolate fountain. YUM!
After gifts and card games, we grabbed the crew and headed out to the park for a late night game of flashlight tag! Ok, it took us three parks before we could find a dark enough place, but it was fun! Well, it was cold…but it was fun! Hubby and I supervised the madness in the middle of the night while they ran around. I know some people would think we were nuts, but you know…I think God gave us so many children so that we can remember moments like this! I pray that my children will remember them, too! We headed home about midnight, went through the pictures from the scavenger hunt, passed out the fuzzy posters for the girls to color and then headed to bed!
Saturday morning I got up and made 3 batches of pancakes while the girls helped cook them and make sausage to go with it. Also made some great gluten free blueberry muffins for Jonathan!
We knew we had to get the garage cleaned so that we could move the furniture into the garage and other living room. The carpet cleaning guy is arriving bright and early Monday morning to get rid of those ringworm spores! Anyway, B-Boo's remaining friends came out and joined us in the garage and we kicked it out in no time at all! It didn't even feel like work!
Today we finally finished moving all the furniture and vacuuming the entire house! Whew! I can finally go to bed and spend some quality time with my computer!
You know, it was a crazy week, but I learned a few things, too!
One: I have a pretty cool husband! That man will do just about anything to make his family happy, even if it includes baking the birthday girl dinner, moving furniture so we can clean up after the dogs, and going to the park with 14 teenagers to play flashlight tag in the middle of the night! Really, I couldn't ask for much more than that!
Two: I have a pretty good life! I don't have fancy furniture or a fancy house, but I do have plenty of room to run around and I don't have to worry about anything being broken. I have a warm, inviting home that my children know their friends are welcome in anytime they ask.
Three: My children have some pretty great friends! While at the mall, a couple of my older sons friends saw me…and instead of pretending they didn't see me, they came over gave me a hug. B-Boo's friends weren't asked to help clean out the garage; they just saw the need and volunteered.
And four…well, I'm not sure what more I could add! Great home, great hubby, great kids…what more could I ask for?
You DO have a great family! It sounds like so much love goes into everything you do. Love ya!