18 years ago my oldest son had his 3rd birthday. Over the years we’ve had many laughs over this birthday. You see, this particular year he wanted a pinata. He was so excited about that pinata! We filled it with candy together and got it all ready for his birthday party. Finally, the moment came! We hooked it up to a tree, lined up the children and let them have at it! And then it happened; my poor son plopped himself down near the flower garden and proceeded to cry. When I asked him what was wrong, he replied through his tears, “They’re breaking my pinata!” My poor son had not realized that we’d have to break it in order to get the candy out.

This is him then
My husband had the birthday girl (that’s be me) attack the pinata first. When I was done attempting to break it (and apparently injure anyone who got in the way!), I handed the pinata over to my now grown son. He promptly killed the thing. As we watched the kids waste no time in devouring the candy scattered all over the yard, I flashed back to that day when the first ever pinata was broken in our back yard. I couldn’t help but look over to the side of the yard and remember seeing him sitting there in tears. I had to chuckle at how he didn’t wast anytime breaking this pinata! I looked up at my now grown son and he knew what I was thinking because he had gone back to that day, too. He told me that he’d thought about not breaking the pinata at all, but instead going over there and sitting against the wall again after all these years. At that moment, I knew we had added another memory; one that would not be forgotten, but instead reflected on year after year. Once in while, we are blessed with that special moment in time, the one that makes you all warm and fuzzy inside and brings just the slightest tear that you barely manage to hold back. This is my warm and fuzzy. I love you, son!
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