This morning was not at all what I expected it to be. To start off, I had a hard time waking up; not good when you have a gazillion kids to get to school and a van to the mechanic. But my hubby was so good and tried to give me rest. So, he took the kids to school, then took the van to the mechanic, got a ride home and then took the Smart One to school, too! All so that I could have a calm morning and not have to do anything else but get the youngest two on the bus. He tried.
But the youngest two were not listening very well today. Things like brushing teeth and combing hair, putting their dirty clothes away all became a frustration. And I wondered to myself, "What will it take to get them to listen to me? To see the importance of what I am asking, and that it is for their benefit?" Asking simple things of them should not be so hard.
As we were trying to get shoes and backpacks on, the Drama Queen opened the door to watch for the bus. We do this every morning. But this morning was different.
Because somehow, in the midst of me begging the little ones to get their shoes and backpacks on, our pups disappeared. They have never left the front yard and usually listen to me when I tell them to stay in the house. We never even saw them leave. But in a flurry of motion and fear, the Drama Queen screamed that the pups were gone! Joey heard her and came running back into the house. He knows where he belongs and where he is safe. Roxy, however, was nowhere to be found.
Crazy Lady in Purple Pajamas Runs Around the Neighborhood This Morning!
The Drama Queen, in a panic, took off down the street (on the sidewalk) after the pup. It is a VERY busy street in the mornings! I screamed at her, "STOP!" and then I turned around to the two who weren't listening so well and yelled at them to stop and not step out of the house. About this time, a lady yelled at me that our pup was on the corner…across the very busy street. And the pup wasn't listening.
I told the Drama Queen to stay put at the house and ran across the street after making sure it was safe to cross. As I called the dumb dog, she started to run toward me, then realized that she may be in trouble, and instead darted back across the street towards our house. For once, people were actually paying attention to the school zone that is in front of my house! They could see what was happening and stopped.
As the pup ran towards the house, a car was approaching near our home. The Drama Queen bolted down our driveway after her. I again yelled at her to "Stop!" She did. The pup was scared silly by this time and ran into the safety of the Drama Queen's arms, who promptly kenneled both dogs. Exhausted, the pups plopped down and fell asleep.
The bus showed up about that time, and the youngest two, still frozen at the door, woke up and put their shoes on and headed to the bus, with me escorting them. The Drama Queen burst into tears of apologies. As we sat down to talk about what had just happened, she burst out, "But mom, I stopped when you told me to!"
She did.
So did the the youngest two.
When it's big; when it's important, they listen. And Obey.
After we calmed down, I began to think about how this lesson was about me and what had happened this morning. Too often, we ignore the small things that are meant to help us. Do we read our Bible daily? Do we keep our fellowship with Him? Do we do the little things that He asks of us?
Or do we wait until we're in trouble and then start listening?
"But God, when it's important, I listen to you!"
Lord, help me to do the small things, so that when the big things come, I'll know how to follow you.
2This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands. 3This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome,
1 John 5:2-3