I know what I'd like to say, but maybe I shouldn't.
I know what I'd like to do, but I can't.
I know who I'd like to be, but I'm not able.
I know I should keep quiet, but why?
I know we must go through this, but I don't want to.
Sometimes my life seems like a movie, except it's real.
Or a moving train. And I want to shout, "Let me off!," but the roar is too loud and no one can hear me.
Or an asylum, where I'm the sane one trying to get out!
This is me, for once, not worrying about what others may think.
I'd like to say that it is not fair that my niece and nephew have to continue dealing with parents who just don't seem to care at all! I'd like to say that the *system* really stinks to high heaven, when parents are given more and more time while the children wait for them to get it together. That's what I'd like to say!
I'd like to get a big house with a room for each child, and give them a safe place. I'd like to take them away from this *system* and give them a home where they don't have to cry themselves to sleep at night after they have been let down, once again.
I'd like to be strong, loving, optimistic…but it's hard.
I know we must go through this, because, even if it's temporary, their lives can be touched.
By something that's real.
By something that's good.
By someone who loves them. Many, who love them.
I know I can't do this on my own. I know it's not about me. I know I'm selfish for the discomfort that I feel, because it's nothing compared to what they feel.
I know that my God is a big God!
I know that He is able.
I know that He has a plan.
I know that He'll provide a way.
I know that His way is better than my way.
I know.