Sometimes, we are so busy running to something else, we don’t realize that we already have the best thing that ever happened to us. We are so afraid of losing control, that we risk losing all that is good in our life. We run blindly towards something else, not even realizing that it will cause us more hurt, more damage.
We are so afraid, we hurt those who love us the most, including ourselves.
We seek out those who will tell us what we want to hear; those whose motives are for themselves, not our best interests.
Sometimes, we make bad choices.
Sometimes, we are so focused on the negative, we can’t even begin to see the beauty of what we have.
But sometimes, we stop.
Sometimes we listen.
Sometimes we discover we are capable of more than we ever thought possible.
Sometimes, we discover love.
Sometimes, we see the beauty in everything that we already have.
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