It's interesting being stuck in bed; at the mercy of you're family. The home nurse told them to watch for a few things:
and craziness. As in, if I started saying or doing crazy things, they need to call the doctor.
Those of you who know us well, stop laughing!
I've put up with all kinds of *crazy* jokes. "Oh, should we call the doctor?"
It's worse when I know in my head what I'm trying to say, but I just can't get it out correctly. And I can't seem to remember what day it is. I am totally not in control.
My husband likes that.
B-boo and Hubby have learned how to administer my antibiotics through the picc line. Hubby likes to joke about air bubbles, while B-boo takes her job very seriously. (Hubby is serious, too, he just likes to find as much humor as he can.)
We have mini celebrations of accomplishments.
"Look, I can lift my feet up by myself!"
"Look, I can get into bed by myself!"
"Look, you don't have to push me up the stairs anymore!"
There's humor in how to position my pillows.
Humor in the bruises and holes in my arms. Ah…there's fun with that one.
Humor in grossing out some of my kids with the picc line.
Humor in who's really in control now that I have no control. 🙂
Humor in that breathing contraption thing; they love to torture me and encourage me to hit my mark the correct amount of times. And they know I can't chase them down, so they find humor in that!
For now, they're in charge. I guess that's a good thing. They've had to have learned it from someone, right?
Yup, humor in all things.
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