I wrote about the beginning of this ministry here if you scroll down under the pictures. The ministry was started out of B-boo's heart for the homeless. To be honest, I'm not sure if it's because we have a family member who had been homeless for a long time, or if it's because she just can't take seeing a homeless person on the corner and not being able to help them somehow. Regardless, God has place these people on her heart. She lovingly refers to them as hobos. She doesn't mean this in a derogatory way at all, so please don't take offense.
The beginning of the ministry started out with us searching for a water bottle in the van anytime we came upon a person on the corner. Then, she started having me keep water bottles in the van so that she could be prepared to give them something. Sometimes, if we had a snack type item in the van, we'd give that to them, too. If we happened to be at a fast food place, it meant we'd be getting them a meal. Still, it wasn't enough for B-boo.
We started talking and came up with the following idea. What if we had bags, prepared in advance, for them? They would be paper bags, filled with a drink, snack, hygiene items, and a personal note with a scripture attached.
B-boo presented her idea to our youth pastor and we began taking donations. The group came up with the following scripture, to be placed on a note card. One side is left blank so a personal message can be added.
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:12-13
The first group of bags were assembled a couple of weeks ago. There were several students who participated in putting them together and taking them with them. We will assemble more this coming Sunday evening to take out again. I can tell you that it was great to be able to hand someone a bag of *treats* if you will, when they were not expecting it. The look on their faces as they realized someone had taken the time in advance to prepare for a small portion of their needs was priceless. I pray that they will learn of God's love for them through this ministry. I have no doubt that God will place those who He wants in our paths to serve them.
The ministry may go slow at first, but even if we only serve a few, God is able to use that! If we leave ourselves open to Him, He will use us for His purpose.
Right now, we are trying to come up with a name for the ministry. We can't keep calling it "B-boo's Hobo Ministry." I talked with a former homeless person who said that he liked the name and didn't find it derogatory at all. Hmmmm.
Names we have come up with so far are:
Curbside Caring
Caring for the Curb
Helping Hands
Hobo Ministry
Thoughts? Comments? Ideas?
For those of you who live in our city, donations are always welcome. We are looking for snack items such as granola bars, chips, fruit snacks, etc. Juice boxes and water bottles are also needed, as well as paper bags.
Hygiene items such as toothpaste, tooth brushes, small bars of soap, mouthwash, chapstick and gum are also welcome. For those of you who travel, please keep us in mind when you see the little bottles that the hotel leaves in the bathroom for you!
Donations can be brought to my home, or to our church. For an address, please email me at itsavivasthing@gmail.com
i like curbside caring. Hobo ministry is also good, and no offense is intended and i don’t think people form the youth group will take offense at it. However,there might me adults who hear about it on soundbites and don’t like it and there might be new kids who come in and are uncomfortable with it (sorta like the “black ashley” thing.)