Today was one of those days that you really just want to end. We're on our second day of new school for our niece and desperately trying to settle into some type of regular routine. This morning I managed to get the oldest to high school, the next one to middle school, the niece to elementary school and the other three off to grandma's so I could go get my chest x-rayed. That was fun!
By the time I got back it was time to take my nephew to PreK, fix my two youngest a quick lunch and then head out to pick up the oldest from high school, then B-Boo from middle school, after which I had to go register my nephew for Kindergarten in the fall, then pick up my niece from school, and finally head over to the PreK to pick up my nephew! Whew!
By the time we got home, we had a few moments to fold some laundry, grab a snack and then take B-boo to soccer practice…making it home just in time to get the Drama Queen to her Hip Hop class for 45 minutes of relaxing time for me. NOT! It was spent with a very upset 6 year old who couldn't believe I would honestly make her do her homework and read a book to me. 45 minutes of constant crying later, we finally headed home to put away the laundry we'd managed to fold and try and come up with dinner.
This is about the time we had some friends from out of town show up! Praise God for leftover chili from Easter…it fed us all! We got to visit for a small bit, then I headed upstairs to try and get the two youngest to bed. Honestly, have any of you ever had a day like this? Crazy! All I wanted was my bed, so I grabbed my nephew and took him into the bathroom to give him a visual lesson on the correct way to brush your teeth. We started by putting on the toothpaste and then went into the lesson. That's when it started to get fun!
Teaching a four year old new things can be quite interesting. He watched me closely in the mirror and followed my every move. When we were finally done, I washed my face. That's when the why's started.
"Why do you wash your face?" (To get it clean.)
"Why do you put that stuff on?" (Toner…to make sure it's really clean.)
"Why are you putting that on now?" (To make my face soft)
Me…"Why do you ask so many questions?"
Him.."Why is my face so red?"
Me…"Maybe because you were outside in the wind"
Me…"Ok, then why is your face so red?"
Him…"Because I'm so happy, Aunt Hope."
Me…"You're happy?"
Him.."Yes, I'm so happy."
Ok, so maybe all of this craziness is worth it after all…because we could all use some happiness in our lives, right?
What a crazy schedule, but what a sweet little boy in the end.