Some people are willing to do anything to be on my blog!
I'm ok with that….cause it means I get free labor, lots of laughter, lots of fun! And pictures.
This would be Rice Crispie treat preparation for the Drama Queen's Birthday! B-boo reminds Punky how do it. Now they know what they are doing. Punky brags to Twin who wants to be on blog that she will beat him to it! (This would be the twin to the Talented One. Sometimes I get them confused.)
Yes, you have to be willing to smear butter on your hands and play with melted marshmallows!
So…what's a guy to do? He learns how to make rice crispie treats so that he can be on the blog, too!
Am a brilliant or what?
And then there are cupcakes…we can't have a party without them!
Notice thebrilliant colors and wonderful photography! I tried to convince her to become a food photographer…but they all laughed at me. I thought it was a brilliant idea…much better to take pictures of beautiful food instead of dead bodies. (Forensics and all that!) The party was a success…but that's another blog!
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