As I type this, I am sitting on my parent's front porch, watching the sun go down after a wonderful day. The chimes are playing as a cool breeze floats by. The birds are chirping in the trees. The little ones are sitting on the porch teasing the youngest.
They'll say to him, "Look under there."
He'll reply, "Look underwear?"
They crack up; he doesn't get it. Life is good.
Yesterday was a great day. I spent the majority of it with B-Boo having an Alias marathon. When we decided we were being lazy after several hours of our Alias addiction, we decided to take a walk. As we were walking, we came across a deer; she was looking straight at us. We were trying to get a picture with our cell phones since I forgot my camera, but the doe was too far away. As we crept closer, she started coming towards us; rather quickly. B-boo grabbed the five year old and I grabbed the drama queen. We had a nervous giggle as we thought of the scene in "Are We There Yet?" when the deer attacks them. The doe then turned and ran off, away from us, but it was quite comical!
My parents bought stain at my request, so today I got up early and started my staining. What fun! With B-Boo's help, I managed to stain the arch, the steps and the swing. I also managed to get a nice tan and exhaust myself, but it was a good tired with a feeling of accomplishment.
Wanna see?
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